18 February 2009

Goodbye Jimbo...forever

Thank god that's done. Finished up at about 9:30pm last night, after putting in the hard slog for two hours. I've said all there is to say about this book. It's obvious the authors are big fans, and that's super for them, but geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz it was a painful couple of days.

I'm reading F Scott Fitzgerald's "The Beautiful and Damned" now to wash away the filth.

No-One Here Gets Out Alive gets one cheese wheel out of five. My personal grading system doesn't give less than one cheese wheel if I finished the book. If I didn't finish the book it must be REALLY bad. I gave this book one cheese wheel because it was easy to read and the book smelled nice.

I have also picked up the 900 page Hitler biography but it's so scary to commit to a book like that. I'm trying to do the 50 book challenge (this is just a personal challenge, with work and social commitments and always trying to read quality books I haven't been able to do it as an adult) this year, which means finishing 4-5 books a month. I think I did 4 in Jan, but have done about 7 in Feb, so it's probably a good idea to spend the rest of Feb and possibly half of March reading the Hitler bio. The only problem (and this is a serious consideration) is that it's so big I can't take it in the bath! And it's not really bedtime reading, so I could go between Fitzgerald and this. I've never really been good at that though, I usually end up giving up on one book for the other, and then can't return to one because it seems stale.

So I'll keep you (no one but me) posted.

Here's an interesting idea:
They do the 50 book challenge but also have a minimum amount of pages (usually around 20,000) that they have to read in the year. Which would mean, I guess, that The Little Prince isn't on many people's reading lists.

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