17 February 2009

The Lizard King is chapping my hide

There are 384 pages in this book. In two days, in a total amounting to maybe 3 hours, I have read 240 of them. Taking this into account, I could reasonably expect to put in 1.5 hours to finish the rest of it today, so I don't have to wake up tomorrow morning and still be reading this book.

For you see, it's quite terrible. Thank god there are whole page photos to pad out the remaining 144 pages. I'm eagerly awaiting Morrison's death because then I'll know I am near the end.

I hate reading books I don't like, but being so far in that I would feel I was cheating if I didn't finish it. But on my above calculations this will be 4.5 hours of my life I'll never get back. If I spent that time sitting in a chair staring at a wall I can't help but feel it would have been better spent.

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