27 February 2009

Keepin' my one reader (me) on the low down

OK, I haven't updated for a bit so I'll just keep me posted with what I'm doing.

I believe I mentioned I'm doing my Masters, and my reading material came in the mail a week ago, so I've been doing that and am well underway with my first assignment (real assignment, not poxy Certificate of RE stuff) in six years, give or take.

I also believe I mentioned my attempt to read two books at the same time. I have never been able to do this, because one book always gets more interesting than the other. But the two books I'm reading at the moment (the Adolf bio and "Beautiful and the Damned" by FSF) are equally fascinating, and I genuinely mean that.

The only problem is that I keep getting the three (including my masters stuff) confused in my head. So I return to FSF and think "huh? I thought Anthony Patch was about to stage a Putsch?" or the Hitler bio and wonder if maybe he had academic achievements delays at school, which in turn led to a social and emotional disorder and start mentally creating a intervention program to encourage positive social skills for little Adi. It only takes a couple of seconds to right itself though.

So, Hitler IS in the middle of the Beer Hall Putsch, where he takes three of the most powerful Bavarian leaders hostage, in an attempt to install himself as leader of Bavaria, and all is going swimmingly, until he has a pressing phone call and leaves the three in the care of the dimwitted General Ludendorff. One of the triumvirate does the old Tweety/Sylvester trick, saying "Oh...I think I need something from my office, but I really PROMISE I'll come back, cross my heart and hope to die". Ludendorff lets them go, and I haven't read on yet, but I just have this sneaking suspicion that he's not coming back, but maybe that's just my cynical beliefs in human nature popping up again. Boy, is Hitler going to be maaaaaaaaaad when he gets baaaaaaaaack. And he's one of these Type A numbers you don't want to be on the bad side of.

As for FSF, I am LOVING this book. I really like the way it's written. I'm really glad I am reading it while I am still in my 20s. (I only have one year left.)

Anyway, we are just about to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (more FSF), so I'll elaborate on this ASAP.

Until then, may all you Putschs be non-abortive and your children be free of language disorders.

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