05 February 2009

Miss Runcible and Mr Outrage

I'm really enjoying this book. It's hard to make the adjustment from non-fiction to fiction, but it's good. The language is a bit of an adjustment too- all the "terribly sick-making" and "simply divine" sort of stuff.
As an aside, I was reading in the bath tub and I dropped the book in the water. I haven't done this in YEARS. I left Alice in Wonderland out in the rain when I was about 10. I didn't mind. When it dried it was all crinkly, like a well loved book without the loving. What was amazing though about today was the speed at which the book swelled up and absorbed the water, 'cause I scooped it out pretty quick.
But I'm a bit worried now that the pages will stick together. Might leave it out in the sun to dry. But it's about 38 degrees today, so I hope it doesn't spontaneously combust. I'd never know if Adam and Nina get married.

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